Tuesday, January 29, 2008


One form of Hyperreality is major shopping areas and theme parks. One example of hyperreality is "Theme parks such as Disneyworld or the casinos in Las Vegas". These place show you how to have a great and relaxing time in a fun and exciting enviorment. The theme parks and casinos all give you a view of how you can enjoy and relax your vacations. but the catch is that it all depends on how much money you are willing to spend to achieve such an enjoyment. as quoted in the The Society of the Spectacle "...representation to reality, the appearance to the essence...illusion only is sacred, truth profane." This is saying how reality is being faulty viewed and shown to the public. If people only new the true truth about what they are seeing they would disregarded the illusion that is being showed and see the truth. In all the faulty advertisement displayed in our world ends up tricking us.



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