Monday, December 17, 2007


In Hamlet there is tons of baiting. One of them is when Claudius sends Rozencrants and Guildenstern to find out whats up with Hamlet and also when they send him off to England. Pretty much Hamlet just ignores them and gets out of the whole England thing. Another one is when Reynaldo is sent to spy on Laertes and Laertes gets mad at everyone and is mad that someone would have a spy watch him.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Question II

Evan's Question- Why does Claudius want to send Hamlet to England specifically, and not somewhere else? Like Tahiti? lol.
I think that Claudius sent Hamlet to England because its a populated place and he still has a chance to change his future and be able to start over again. I think that Claudius doesn't really hate Hamlet he is just annoyed by him and how he is snooping around and acting crazy. Claudius wanted to give Hamlet a chance to live a some what good life.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Worldviews Hamlet Has Growm Up With

Some of the worldviews that Hamlet has grown up with is having the pressure to become the next king. His father influenced him tremendously and pushed him to be a great leader so that the people can look up to him. Hamlet was ready to take the thrown; But since Claudius owned him and took his spot he is pissed about that whole thing. Another influence might be his corruption and weirdness that he got from his mom. His mom is strange and did marry Hamlets uncle so...... ya a little creepy. Her whole marriage is a little messed up. So Hamlet probly was influenced by that; and that is why he is so weriod around Ophelia and stuff.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Claudius Thinks Hamlets Crazy

Okay Claudius totally thinks that Hamlet is crazy. He is really buying into his craziness by ignoring very important matters like Norway taking over his Kingdom! What kind of King ignores a war for some stupid guy that fouls his pants. Hamlet is really putting on a show because he is starting to make Claudius go crazy to by following every step he takes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hamlets Doesnt Like Ophelia

Pretty much I don't think Hamlet liked Ophelia. In the last couple of sense's you can really tell that he didn't like her. He always made fun of her by making perverted jokes to her, which is really gross and freaky. Also he treated her terribly, he showed absolutely no respect towards her. He also said that he never loved her which he said strait to her face. So ya Hamlet is a freak and is just messing with peoples minds and needs to control himself.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hamlets Character

In act 3 scene 1 Hamlets character changes. He act very mysterious and odd when he is around his family and especially Ophelia. When he is around he denies that he ever loved her. He hates everything that she has done to him and he criticise her. He also ponders the though of committing suicide and is super awkward about everything.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007